H earteardv
--------rw .
Fodcf.il U SA aw rcst'cts this drug
use by or on the crdci
of a licensed veterinarian
INDICATIONS: :or use in dogs to prevent canine haanwctm disease bv elimirating
the tissue stage pf beartworm larvae
(D irofiiana
imrofs/for a month 130 days) after
infection dno Tu' tilt treatment ami central cf asaanls i7u«.rara
ukus. fotaswis
.tco'wiajand hoo<v;orrr.s
(A c c y fo s x m m
i f w . U r x m ’ io s to -v x c p te b .
Ancyiostcm d I v m '.’ensei
IEARTGARD '. Pus ir.crmc. t' i VvauW! OwwcWes should be adtonstoroc
crslly at roanthlv ntevdis a: the
m inrun ckse ter.ei of
rrcg cf iw=n:Ktr
per kiitgan (2 /2 meg
b- and 5 mg cf p/rarcel las pamoate aft) per kg {227 rrg'b) of beev
rtenht.'71« learnmenJed dosing schetMe
x r
prevention of
ire heaitwoni
for the
and oontrof of ascar ds aid texfcxvonits is as falows:
W eight Per M onth
Ivem iectm
Color Coding 0«
and Carton
Цр to 2S
6£ mg
57 mg
2Б 50
•M rrg
272 neg
227 rro
HEARTGARD Plus is recon mended for dcqs 6 weeks of ago aid older. For dogs errer
100 lb use the appropriate combination of these chewables
Retrcvc cnlyonc clxwable at a trie from the fui cjdwti blister
card Return the card with the r6mairino chaivabre to its box ta crotec. the prcdxt
frem Inht Because most decs ;md HEARTGARD Plus peiatabe the product can be
offered to the dog b> hand. Alternatively, it irav te adeted intact to a snail airourt of
dog fcod.The clxvrable slxiuid be administered in a manner that encourages die deg
to chirr.', ratter than to swallow v.ithout ciawing Cnawablas may be bro<an into
pieces and fed to dogs bat ncmaly swalow treats whole.
Care s-iould be taken that the dog ccreumes the compete cose, arid treated animals
should be cbje-vsd for a few minutes after admnistraticn to ensure that part cr the
dose is rot test or rejected If t is suspected that
of the dose has been lost
redosing is recoimterded.
HEARTGARD Plus should te gver at monthly intervals during the period of the yea'
when niospuitots (vectors^ potentially carrying
« beartworm larvae, are
act<vo. Tho initio1
doto muct bo givoo
within 0
morrh (30 daye) oftor tho doo'e first
exposjre to mosquitoes. The final dose must be given within a month 130 rays)
alter die deg’s last ensure to masquitoes.
When replacing ancther heartwo-m preventive product in a beartworm disease
prevention program, the fust dose of HtARTGAftD Plus must be given within a
nxnth 130 days) of tte iast dose of the former rustication
if the interval between doses exceeds a month i30davsl, the efficacy of ivermectin
can be reduced. Therefore, for optimal performance. the chewable must te given
once a month on or about the same day of the month If treatment s delayed,
wfether л- a few days or тагу, immediate treatment with HEARTGARD Plus and
resumption of the recommended dosing regmei w II minimize the opportunity for
thB devebpment of adult heattwarms.
Monttily t-earnerl with HEARTGARD Bus also provides effective treatment ard ocntrpl
of ascands
j J cams. I
A .
b m tim s a ).
Clients should :o advised af measure to be taken to praveit reinfaction
w(h intestinal parasites
HEARTGARD Rus Chewables. given oia lv using me recommendec
dose and regmen.
y e
e'fectrve against the tissue larval stage oi
D .ir m itis
fot a
month 130 davsl alter mtection and, as a result, prevent the Sevewpmem or the
adult stage HEARTGARD Plus Chewables are also effective
-»1 canine ascadds
1 cam s
7 tetywra) and hookworms |A eamnum
U s te n o c e ffa la . A txa/Aiense).
In acceptability and fiekl trial* HEARTGARD Plus Chewables were
shown to be an acceptable oral drear»? lam that was renamed at hr» offering by the
majority of dogs,
AH cogs shoulc be tested for existing hearwem mfeeben before
starting treamert with HEARTGARD Plus which is rot effect;-.« agairts* adult
лгопйв. Infected dogs trust be treated to remove aclrlt beartv/unis ard microfilariae
before initiabrg a program with HEARTGARD Plus.
While sore microfilariae irav be hi ed by the ivennectir in HEARTGARD Plus at the
reccnvmrded dose level, HFARTGARI) P js « not effective for microfilariae clearance.
Л mild liypeseistivdy-type react kn. presumably due to dead cr dying microfilariae
and particularly involving a transient diarrhea. has been observed in clinical trels with
ivermectin alone alter treatment ol some dogs dial lave circulating microfilariae
Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children.
In сада ol ingestion by -omare. clients should he advised to contact a physician
immediately. Rivsioans may contact a Fbison Control Center for advice concerning
cases of ngesticn by humans
Store at controlled гост temusralure of 68£f - 77°f (20°C - 25°Cl. Excursions
between 59 F ■
867 |15°C -
30nCl are permitted. ^otect product from light
ADVERSE REACTIONS: h clinical feln trials with HEARTGARD Plus, vwnitiig or
drerrtea within 24 hoots of dosing was randy observed 11.1е!» of administered
drees) Tie loi lowing adverse react ens have been reported following the use of
HEARTGARD: Depressron/bthaigy. vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, myc-iasis. ataxia,
staggering, convulsions and hypersalivation
SAFETY: HEARTGARD Plus has bean shown to be boequr,ateit to HEARTGARC vwtfl
respect tc tte bicovu. Lability of ivermectin The cose teamens of HEARTGARD Pus
and HEARTGARD are the same win regard to ivermectin 16 megfe). Studes wita
ivermectin irmcate that ce-tam dags or the Co ib b'eed are more sersitr.e to the
effects os ivermectin administered a: elevated dose levels foiore than 16 times the
target use level) than ckgs of other breeds. At elevated doses, sersitne dogs slowed
advene reactions which induced mydriasis, degression ataxia, tremers. drooling
paresis, recumbency e»c tebilily. stupor, ccma and death HEARTGARD demenstrated
nosigis of toxety at 10 tines die recommended dose 60mcg>'kgl insensitive
Colliw Pcoult3 of thcec trials ond oiocqurvolorcv studies, эиреоп the ootetv of
HEAR'GAflDfiioli.cls in degs inchidwg Collies, when used asraammentteil
HEARTGARD Rus has shown a wide margin of safety at the recommended dose
level in dags, including pregnant cr breeding btchre. stud dogs and puppies aged 6
cr more weeks In cimcal trials, many commonly used Ilea celars. dips, shampoos,
arr.hehiirtics. antibiotics, vaccines and sterod pceparanons have been administered
with HEARTGARD Rus in a heartworm d'Sosse prevention program.
In ore trial, where seme pups bed parvovirus, there was a marginal reduction n efficacy
against intestinal nematodes, possibly die to a change in intestinal transit time
lEARTQARC Rus is avaiiabfe in three dotage strengths (see
DC'SAGE section) for degs of different weighs Each strength ccmes in oorvement
canons of 6 and 12 chewables.
For customer sernce. please contact Menal at 1-888-6374251
Of dogs showing а те^агепда in th-ee studies conducted ay rdepenJert rr.estqatcrs,
dogs prefcried HEARTGARD Rus u«i IWIEF£EP[ORft(-nilKiir>u:nc«iiiiH|’
FLAVOR TA8SS by a matgn of 37.1. cista on file ut Medal.
Market D,roincs; Mcrthfy share reprt. 'itit dspensad treatments; 12ДИ/07.
data on life at Medial
tSHEARIGARD and foe Dog & Herd logo are registered troierrorks of Meriol
OÏWTERCETTW is о registered Irademak of fe Notrorfis (erperntijn
©flAVOR TABS ь a tegbJeied trodsmark cf Nevartb AG. ©2008 Merd
liriled, DiAith GA All rights reserved. HGOCNMCOMADGUS.
p lain la w n w ith a fe w o v e rg ro w n s h ru b s
w a s an in v ita tio n fo r L eila G re e n to s ta rt
dig g in g . A fte r sh e m o v e d in to h e r
W arw ick , R h o d e Isla n d , c o tta g e in 1991,
^ / “th e b u s h e s w e n t first,” L eila says, “th e n
I ju s t s ta r te d p u llin g u p g rass.” F u e le d b y h e r love o f
g a rd e n in g a n d a p re fe re n c e fo r flo w ers o v e r tu rf, L eila
so o n tu rn e d m o st o f h e r 5 0 xlO O -foot lo t in to a b lo o m in g
h e a d -tu rn e r.
T h e g a rd e n is p la n te d a lm o st e n tire ly w ith p e re n n ia ls
a n d a few a n n u a ls to fill in th e g ap s. “I love th e b illo w y
E n g lish c o tta g e sty le a n d lo ts o f flo w ers,” says L eila.
“N o w th e r e ’s o n ly a little p a tc h o f g ra ss left,” sh e says.
“B u t p ro b a b ly n o t fo r long.”
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